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Top 10 To Do's to Decrease Stress and Improve Mental Health ebook

By Laurel Kelsey, MS, CFNC, ACSM EP-C, CMWC


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Life is tough enough, but it is even tougher when someone in the home is suffering with a mental health disorder.  It affects everyone in a big way.


Luckily there are many action items you can take TODAY to start decreasing the stress load in your own life and support healing for everyone from the inside out. 


After over 10 years of being a mom of a family who struggles with mental illness, I am sharing my Top 10 To Do's for you and those you love to start improving mental health today.



Just a Few Reasons to Implement These Suggestions

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Better Life Quality

Proven activities that help the brain feel better, which will in turn help the energy for life improve too  

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Better Sleep

When you can improve your sleep, the brain has time to reset and improving signaling in the body

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Happier Relationships

When people start to feel better, there is energy to improve the quality of relationships, which bring more peace and happiness

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About the Author

Laurel is a functional nutrition counselor, exercise physiologist, and mental health advocate.  Her life's intimate brushes with the struggles mental illness bring to a family and professional studies have left her with a passion to serve and love on the moms of families struggling with mental illness.  Her focus is to ensure they feel seen and heard, are educated in mental health and the mutliple angles to consider for mental healthcare, and understand the importance of self care during  the journey to minimize other personal chronic illnesses that might be triggered by stress.    

She also loves to teach fitness classes, hike, dance, love on her puppy, and support her kids at their many sporting events.   She is a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and believes that true healing comes from addressing the whole person: mind, body, and spirit with Christ as the anchor to success.  
